Are you a budding author or are you just out of things to read? If you answered yes to any of these questions then I have the website for you. Wattpad is the website for budding authors everywhere! (More information will be provided at the bottom of this page.) From know on, if you have written or have read a good book on Wattpad post it on COAYABW's Google+ community Bookworms Only! under the Wattpad tab where the link will be posted on our website ASAP. Also taking place from now on is author of the week. The author of my favorite book will be posted on here with his or her book and will be allowed to work on this blog for a full week!
P.S. My username is thehungergamesgirl on Wattpad.
P.S. My username is thehungergamesgirl on Wattpad.