
The Marks of Secret continues with Gregor, Ares, Luxa, and Aurora going into the horrendous jungle to find the rest of the nibblers (mice) and report Cerian's death. When they get to the nibblers' colony, the are attacked by twisters (snakes). Gregor goes into rager mode and saves everyone. After cleaning up a little, Gregor, Luxa, and their friends return to Regalia the next morning. It is during lunch that something strange happens. While Luxa, Gregor, Boots, Hazard, Temp, and their bonds are eating, Vikus comes in with a basket full of baby nibblers. Luckily, Hazard speaks nibbler and translates for them. Luxa and Gregor decide to go on a quest to find out what happened to the nibblers.
Luxa and Gregor were planning on going on a quest to save the nibblers but disguised it as a picnic. Unfortunately, Hazard, Boots, and Howard assume it is a real picnic and tag along on their bats. After a couple of hours, Luxa finds the area they were originally going to go to by the Fount. It is right by a nibbler colony. They eat some food at the picnic but still have TONS left over. They go into the nibbler colony and everything looks frozen in time, except there are no nibblers. On one wall there is a mark. (It looks like the sharp end of a scythe.) Hazard almost faints when he sees it. When Luxa asks him what's wrong, he says it is a mark of secret. It is the scythe, the mark that means death. Of course, Luxa must discover what happened to the nibblers, so she and everyone else venture deeper in the cave. Howard, who previously lived in the Fount, shows them the Swag. It is a large river. By the Swag Luxa discovered a paw-print made in nibbler blood. They decide to cross the Swag. While crossing the Swag there is an earthquake! Gregor loses Boots and everyone is struggling to breathe.
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